Truth or Dare - Spin d Bottle

Truth or Dare - Spin d Bottle

Latest Version 1.02

Jun 30 2017
3.1 /

Screenshots Truth or Dare - Spin d Bottle

Truth or Dare - Spin d Bottle Truth or Dare - Spin d Bottle Truth or Dare - Spin d Bottle Truth or Dare - Spin d Bottle Truth or Dare - Spin d Bottle Truth or Dare - Spin d Bottle Truth or Dare - Spin d Bottle
Game screenshots Truth or Dare - Spin d Bottle

Game review Truth or Dare - Spin d Bottle

Welcome to the original popular "Truth or Dare" game on Android!

Truth or Dare is a classic game like "Spin the Bottle" which involves either answering a question or doing a dare - something fun.

Truth or Dare is a party game requiring at least three players. Players are given the choice between answering a question truthfully, or performing a "dare", both of which are set by the other players.

Truth or dare game options:
Change bottle - Four different bottles (luck changed).
Android ask - Android ask the truth or dare questions.
Only bottle - Without questions - Meaning: the friends make up the questions.

There are so many ways you can use this classic party game :
- Cool game to break the ice with new friends.
- Try Truth or Dare at your next slumber party, birthday party, or get together!
- You can play Truth or Dare at a bar along with other drinking games like Have you Ever, Spin the bottle

Social games:
Truth or Dare is a game that be enjoyed by people of any age.
Truth or Dare is a great way to break the ice with someone new!
This game is also great for a nice party with both new and old friends.

Created by Androcalc
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New in Truth or Dare 1.02

Adding more truth or dare questions
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Truth or Dare - Spin d Bottle Latest Version Info

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Google Play ID: com.diogines.truthordare

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