The Great Mazinga Robot Z - Arcade Ver.

The Great Mazinga Robot Z - Arcade Ver.

Latest Version 2.275432

May 24 2021
4.2 /

Screenshots The Great Mazinga Robot Z - Arcade Ver.

The Great Mazinga Robot Z - Arcade Ver. The Great Mazinga Robot Z - Arcade Ver.
Game screenshots The Great Mazinga Robot Z - Arcade Ver.

Game review The Great Mazinga Robot Z - Arcade Ver.

As we all know that Mazinga Z (aka Tranzor Z ) known also by the name マジンガ written and illustrated by GoMazin.

This game is a tribute to all the fans of the great Japanese heroes of the 70´s, Mazingar Z and his big brother the great robot. It is a game that combines Arcade-style, also some shooter and of course challenges by waves of enemies that are increasingly powerful.

We recall that The story of Fight of our Hero Z is quite complex. Dr. Genuis is a scientist who, one day, finds the remains of an ancient advanced civilization and their advanced technology. He eventually discovers giant-robots and before he can fully understand how they work, Dr Evil takes control of them and decides to overtake the world. Dr Genuis doesn't have much choice and he also decides to build a super-robot to stop this terrible plot. this new powerful weapon : the legendary Mazin-kaiser to defend the mother planet earth from villains and evil robots which our hero (UFOロボ グレンダイザー, Yūfō Robo Gurendaizā ) will protect us from their schems.


- This Arcade Version is not affiliated with, nor authorized, endorsed or licensed in any way by its serie's company.

- This Mazingr Arcade does not contain games, to include games please follow the guide inside the application for more tips.

- All individual game screen shots or audio that are simulated by this software are property of their respective copyright holders and are only used in this app listing for the purpose of informing the customer of the software's functionality.
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Google Play ID: com.mecha_robot.gold_mazin

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