Square's invasion

Square's invasion

Latest Version 1.0

Jun 28 2018
4.8 /

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Square's invasion Square's invasion Square's invasion
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Game review Square's invasion

You are alone. Alone against an infinite army of squares, but you won't go without a fight !
Shoot at the invading squares, and try to resist as long as possible, even when all hope is lost.

But when all seems lost and hope goes out, unleash your full power and shoot a massive bullet ! As the saying goes, the bigger the better (only applies to bullet though)

No ads, no in-game purchases, works offline and no strange permissions required ! And the best, it take less than 3Mb of storage !

So what are you waiting? Go download and play it ! (or go play Pokemon go, or basically any other game, it's your choice. But i'd really like you to try this ^^ )

You scrolled this far for nothing :p
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Google Play ID: com.dodormeur.squaresinvasion

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