Rocket: Space Runner

Rocket: Space Runner

Latest Version 1.0.0

Dec 08 2017
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Screenshots Rocket: Space Runner

Rocket: Space Runner Rocket: Space Runner Rocket: Space Runner Rocket: Space Runner Rocket: Space Runner
Game screenshots Rocket: Space Runner

Game review Rocket: Space Runner

Rocket Space Runner is an extremely challenging (but simple) Endless Runner game.
You are Marxal Trismegistus (Mar-Zall Trez-meg-us-tus), codename: "Rocket", a Philosophical Astral Researcher and Space Explorer Commander (PARSEC).
Apply a bit of estimated logic and common sense to advance through the infinite (endless) and unpredictable obstacles of space.
Speed and obstacles will be increased the further you explore
Can you reach 100?....try NOT to give up.

>Tap the screen to jump.
>Press, hold, and release to jump higher.
>Collect Space Gold, known as Xjannies (Zay-nees) along the way.
>12 Xjannies equates to 1 point added to End Score.
>Earn Survivor Instinct Points (SIPs) by successfully jumping form one Rock Slab another while avoiding Radiated Isotope Shards and Abandoned Satellite Spheres.
>SIPs heighten Rocket's will to survive granting Rocket the ability of limited flight every 6 SIPs gained.

Confidence indeed....just remember to avoid the Space Rockets....Good Luck, Explorer
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Google Play ID: com.Space.Runner1

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