Pirate Sim

Pirate Sim

Latest Version 1.0.3

Jun 28 2017
3.2 /

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Pirate Sim Pirate Sim Pirate Sim Pirate Sim
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Game review Pirate Sim

Sail a realistic map of the Caribbean as you sink enemy ships and capture enemy towns. Choose one of 4 nationalities and capture glory for your king, or simply become a pirate and plunder everyone. Pirate Sim is a simple yet fun, featuring open ended game play and beautiful graphics. Hunt pirates, seek treasure and live the life or become a merchant by trading various goods between towns. Choose the path you want with the open ended gameplay. A homage to the original Commodore Sid Meier's Pirates!
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New in Pirate Sim 1.0.3

1.0.3Fixed Bug with Enemies giving out too much gold1.02-Fixed the bug where the game would retire you too early.-Reworked much of the user interface to look nicer-Added Support for x86 Devices Support-Bug Fixes
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