Logic Checker

Logic Checker

Latest Version 1.5

Jul 04 2017
3.5 /

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Logic Checker Logic Checker Logic Checker Logic Checker Logic Checker
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Game review Logic Checker

This application will check your mind on logical thinking. It's not like any IQ test(it's not only logic but intuition as well).

- Forget about your knowledge
- You have only facts
- Make a consequence

Take into account most of the questions are stupid and tricky without any sense.

Here you have to determine the formal correctness of a logical conclusion based on a specific statement (or series of statements). The reality does not play any role in this case (it is a bit harder to pass the test, because the content is absurd, but perfectly logical).

Your task - to check your ability to separate right from wrong logical consequences.

Improve your logic because it's one of the most valuable traits of character! Hope this test will help you.
Have fun.
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New in Logic Checker 1.5

- Merged A and B tests to one which has always 12 question in random order each time.- Added view with example- Added view with right answer for each question- Fixed minor issues------------------------- Added Spanish Translation
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Google Play ID: com.daydreamer100500.logicchecker

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