Grand Monsters

Grand Monsters

Latest Version 1.2.3

Feb 18 2015
3.9 /

Screenshots Grand Monsters

Grand Monsters Grand Monsters Grand Monsters Grand Monsters Grand Monsters Grand Monsters Grand Monsters Grand Monsters Grand Monsters Grand Monsters Grand Monsters Grand Monsters Grand Monsters Grand Monsters Grand Monsters Grand Monsters Grand Monsters
Game screenshots Grand Monsters

Game review Grand Monsters

Grand Monsters plays like chess, but with friendly monsters that have special powers. It's great for casual gamers, kids, and regular chess or checkers players looking for something new.

It's easy to learn and fun to play. No quirky rules like "castling" or "en passant". Every game piece can move forward and backward. Matches are short and lively. The game board is 7x7 and there are 5 different piece types to give your brain a workout.

* Commander - the king piece.
* Defenders control the board.
* Blasters throw bombs.
* Wingers jump up to 2 squares.
* Zappers paralyze nearby enemies.

Compete in 2-player mode, against the computer in 5 skill levels (Novice, Easy, Medium, Hard, Expert) or play online against a friend or auto-matched opponent. Keep track of your wins and losses with the game log to see your progress. Master all the levels to become a Grand Monster!!!
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New in Grand Monsters 1.2.3

* Added online multi-player and achievements.* Improvements to the AI engine.* Upgraded UI with better graphics.
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Grand Monsters Latest Version Info

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Google Play ID: com.shoesmith.grandmonsters

Sur cette page, vous pouvez télécharger gratuitement Grand Monsters APK file for Android. Grand Monsters latest new version for Android is 1.2.3.

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