GO Craft and Build 3D

GO Craft and Build 3D

Latest Version 3.0.0

Apr 18 2022
4 /

Screenshots GO Craft and Build 3D

GO Craft and Build 3D GO Craft and Build 3D GO Craft and Build 3D GO Craft and Build 3D GO Craft and Build 3D GO Craft and Build 3D
Game screenshots GO Craft and Build 3D

Game review GO Craft and Build 3D

Game with the survival and creative in the big world of various biomes (summer expanses, endless desert, the cold northern lands, dangerous canyons, and many other amazing places). Engage in craft to create new blocks and the search for resources for the construction of your houses.

Create interesting buildings, from simple houses to the great skyscrapers. Tour the world, where you can meet a variety of characters in this game!

Game features:
- Generation of the world and biomes.
- Extraction of the minerals, the creation of the subject.
- Completely free game for kids and adults.
- A large set of various interior and decorations.
- Explore the world, mine treasures and make new friends.
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New in Crafting and Building 3D 3.0.0

A lot of work has been done to optimize the game, many bugs have been fixed (crashes, bugs, freezes, etc.), the list of supported devices has been expanded, a variety of content has been added: an in-game store, NPCs and trade with them, new decorations, small villages, mines in caves, animals, armor for the character, a 3-person view and many other changes!

Download the update, play, share your ideas in the app reviews!
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GO Craft and Build 3D Latest Version Info

Get it on Google Play

Google Play ID: com.inpocket.craftbuild

Sur cette page, vous pouvez télécharger gratuitement GO Craft and Build 3D APK file for Android. GO Craft and Build 3D latest new version for Android is 3.0.0.

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