Galaxy Lightsaber Warrior

Galaxy Lightsaber Warrior

Latest Version 4.4

Jul 01 2017
3.6 /

Screenshots Galaxy Lightsaber Warrior

Galaxy Lightsaber Warrior Galaxy Lightsaber Warrior Galaxy Lightsaber Warrior Galaxy Lightsaber Warrior Galaxy Lightsaber Warrior Galaxy Lightsaber Warrior Galaxy Lightsaber Warrior Galaxy Lightsaber Warrior Galaxy Lightsaber Warrior
Game screenshots Galaxy Lightsaber Warrior

Game review Galaxy Lightsaber Warrior

Galaxy Lightsaber Warrior,action and mobile games released,with style of sci-fi,beautiful Game scene, blood surging fighting scenes, enriched and improved of the game system, subvert tradition.

1 Game level: There are seven game levels, Still increasing among,each level can bring different fun experience,Colorful game effects, such as thunder and lightning attack, the shock waves of fire, tornado attack, sword as rain,Meteorite attack with a fire ...,sci-fi and immemorial alien scene ..., enemies including monsters zombies, snowmen, magician ...,because there are a lot of play, so players will not feel bored, every time there is a new surprise!

2 Game screen: Fight scenes as sci-fi blockbuster, beautifu game effects, Galaxy Lightsaber Warrior gives users exquisite visual enjoyment.

3 Game features: blood surging battle scenes, agonistic. wave after wave of enemy soldiers or monster attack, so players could be overwhelmed, always in a state of excitement and stimulation.

4 Gameplay: The game is simple and convenient, a good user experience, a variety of attack skills, location information, life status, Galaxy Lightsaber Warrior have clear guidance and tips,easily Fun.
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New in Galaxy Lightsaber Warrior 4.4

Galaxy Lightsaber Warrior 4.4 release, add a new enemy, a group of sword and shield with green soldiers, although not BOSS, but the action fast, lethal is also very strong, not easy to deal with !
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