Four Nite at Joy Craft Reborn

Four Nite at Joy Craft Reborn

Latest Version 1.0

Dec 09 2017
3.8 /

Screenshots Four Nite at Joy Craft Reborn

Four Nite at Joy Craft Reborn Four Nite at Joy Craft Reborn Four Nite at Joy Craft Reborn
Game screenshots Four Nite at Joy Craft Reborn

Game review Four Nite at Joy Craft Reborn

Face your nightmare with Four Nite at Joy Craft Reborn! Spend 4 nights at Cube pizzeria hiding from angry craft animatronica! These robots were made to help in Cube Pizzeria, but during the night ancient evil awakening inside their bodies, and they become unpredictable and starts chasing you! Who else could be in this nightmare mines?
Rain and thunder shake the earth, drowning it in water and loud noises. On this very night, you return home from your night out. But inside the home rest your inner devils, risen to claim what they have desired for so long.

Will you be able to find your Four Nite at Joy Craft Reborn

Game features:
- Lot of jumpscares
- Enemy AI that can trap you
- Cool sound effect that can be entertained when you using headphones
- Cool environment
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New in Four Nite at Joy Craft Reborn 1.0

Game features:- Lot of jumpscares- Enemy AI that can trap you- Cool sound effect that can be entertained when you using headphones- Cool environment
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Google Play ID: com.jumpscare.fourcraftreborn

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