Dark Knight Story

Dark Knight Story

Latest Version 1.8.5

Jul 01 2017
4.3 /

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Dark Knight Story Dark Knight Story Dark Knight Story Dark Knight Story Dark Knight Story Dark Knight Story Dark Knight Story Dark Knight Story
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Game review Dark Knight Story

※Will be to support the current Japanese only.
Please wait for the future, so will continue to support English.

Thank you for waiting! The Dark Knight has released the full story!
Could easily be an RPG, and dark shops in the beta battle system was
I have been a variety of additional elements, please come out to play.
In addition, because here is an RPG application evolves, we will continue conducting additional content at any time.
When you update the market, and we recommend that you periodically.

And everyone who played the beta, Thank you.
please contact the following email address.
The market review, please understand that the response can not be timely.

Email Address:

And everyone who played the beta, Thank you.
There are in modest, based on data from the beta, so we set up to distribute such a jewel, please come to take over.

Asmodian and human beings, rather than long ago
Was continued around the hegemony of the ground fighting.
And now, the tribe was to stand between the inferior.
But the devil is in the depths of the castle, human beings had yet to show their "darkness" was present.
It is after "Dark Knight" was called.
What a savior of his or Asmodian?

This application is an RPG-type search.
You are a Dark Knight, was ordered to close the castle defeating Satan Heroes.

Each area to explore, collect items and equipment, Protect your castle.

Detailed instructions for the game [Help] Please refer to.

○ For Battle
The level 3 and can take advantage of the battle system. Battle with the Dark Knight who enjoy the world.
You may also be able to get the win bonuses and rare items.
Battle and used once, and can not be used to battle Itadakanai open next hour, please proceed to polish the story strength.
Jewel has a present location of the battle in one day.

In the beta, we received reports by the terminal kill.
We recommend that you play from the other will be terminated in such a task killer app. Crash cause a number of running other applications.
We also performed it at any time debugging, please understand.

So many requests for support submitted in English, English-speaking more to push forward at any time update.

Application development is performed in Japan, the Japanese development team ※.

Since our app no such thing as erotic porn adult content harmful virus, please enjoy with confidence.
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New in Dark Knight Story 1.8.5

(Version 1.8.5)- I changed the layout part.
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