Mi-mi-bears - Big concert

Game review Mi-mi-bears - Big concert
Mi-mi-bears - The Big Concert is a music interactive application that is mainly designed for the children's audience of the playmarket. In the game, the user meets with the main characters of the animated series of the same name, but the action takes place on a well-equipped stage.
The site consists of five seats, which are specially allocated for specific heroes. Each character perfectly owns his musical instrument. The lower part of the display shows the panel, with which the gamer can easily change the appearance and the subject, which the character extracts sounds.
In addition, the items appearing on the screen are interactive, that is, the user is able to control the light-music, laser installation, smoke generator, and disco-ball.
The main advantage of Mi-mi-bears is that the Great Concert is its variability: there are countless different combinations of musical instruments, thanks to each of which you can create unique melodies. It is this diversity that allows children to immerse themselves in the wonderful world of music from an early age.
Download a game Mi-mi-bears - Big concert
25.38 MB
Android 4.0.3+
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