Ice Candy Maker

Game review Ice Candy Maker
Ice Candy Maker (Ice Cream Manufacturer) - is researched and produmanny simulator cooking delicious ice cream, which people often call "Fruit ice." You might think that it is preparing elementary, but not everything is simple. You will become a producer not usual, but most of this figure ice cream. And this can be a birthday present to someone. Yes, and there are works of art immediately tastier. Your creation can be exported to the Internet, or it can simply keep the memory of your device. Work wonders confectionery business and share it with your friends. The game really qualitative and bright, so do not miss its. Opportunity to play right this minute!
Already tens of thousands of users have installed the toy itself and gave her the maximum score, so do not keep up with fashion and you.
Toy will be an excellent cure for boredom and a long wait in traffic jams. Make your most delicious fruit ice and beautiful. Nothing will prevent you DO NOT do it. Toy will be a great surprise for detey, so you can, and take the child and give him to eat ice cream because of which mozhno and cold.
Download a game Ice Candy Maker
20.58 MB
Android 2.2+
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