Cleanopolis VR
cool children's game, which will introduce the virtual world, which will need to save the town from an ecological catastrophe! The creators have come up with several modes: simple and with a connected VR-headset. Choose the desired entry and viewing the video, how do you get to know the local superman. He asks for your help.
Sniper VR
simple 3D virtual shooting range, where you will need to try to get used to the role of a skilled sniper. After the start, you'll appear at locations that will be more like a forgotten and abandoned construction site. Ahead will be located several multi-storey buildings, which are connected mezhdu a beautiful gallery
VR Silent Home
high quality virtual horror in which you have to explore the mystical ancient house, which will constantly be some kind of supernatural events. The history that was unfolding before your poyavleniya the game is this: you decide to check out one abandoned house, which is rumored to include live ghosts.