WW2: Sandbox
() - this is the second part of takticheskoy turn-based strategy from the creators of Hero Craft. First toy with meaning and content was Strategy Tactics, where developers have decided to dream and started a war between the US and the USSR. In our toy all events will correspond stories
Full Blast
() - this is absolutely a classic representative of the "scrolling shooter." Based on the story, the world took hostile aliens. It is not clear where they came from and why they land, but they all landed on the plates and space fighters from the future. Gamers will need to prevent the landing of an alien
Flick Shoot 2
(Click 2) - toys that just love all the fans of football. Due unpretentious control you have to try to get the ball into the goal. Interfere with the will, as expected, the defenders and the goalkeeper, who will close the gate with their bodies. Your character will be on the field in front of him will the ball.
The Lord of the Rings: Legends
(The Lord of the Rings: The Legend) - it is not a collection of stories and books about the adventures of the great heroes, is an exciting toy, in which each character beloved trilogy cmozhete be part of an invincible team.
Jumpy Witch
(Witch jumpy) - colorful cheerful runner, which will be held in the not very funny dark locations, which is full of black bushes that hide the secrets of the wondrous civilization.
Super Party Sports: Football
(Super Football Party) - a fun and cute puzzle game in which you will require not just score goals bright and colorful, but also literally interrupt opponents. It turns out that football can be dostatochno dangerous and cowardly weapon .. At first you select a team to their liking.
Drone: Shadow Strike
(Drone Strike Shadow) - a kind and not enough on what looks like a shooter for Androidov where gamers will have to manage a real drone. Original feature of the application can be quite a good schitat realism. The screen vashego phone will show a picture with a camera drone.
Winter Fight
(Fight Winter) - is a multiplayer toy strategy. At first glance, it is absolutely will not differ from the majority of these applications. Like many clones on Clash of Clans, then you have to build your own base, build a powerful military capability
Roller Coaster Tycoon® 4 Mobile
Roller Coaster Tycoon ® 4 Mobile - is a cool and classic economic strategy, with which you will again have to try their hand in the construction of an amusement park. Now attraktsionov will be more permanently sluchatsya be different, interesting and unpredictable situations, due to which toy will look dynamic and quite boring.
PBR: Raging Bulls
(FGP: Raging Bull) - an application in which a brave cowboy tries to tame the evil bull. Spain - a place not only hot beaches and dance, but also violent confrontations with giant bulls. Skillful bullfighters due to their skills are able to subdue the bull and beat a wild animal in front of thousands of onlookers.